New Member of Staff
We are proud to welcome a new member of staff:
Clare Allinson
Commercial Manager
Not only does Clare bring over 10 years experience in the recycling business to Aim to Recycle, but she also has extensive knowledge and experience dealing with General Waste! This means we will be able to provide a complete recycling package for our customers.
‘Recycling Made Easy’
If you would like to contact Clare to talk about what we can do for your company, please send her an email:
Shave or Style Week
This week we have taken part in: Engineer Interview
Richard has been part of our team for nearly 4 years and we are very proud of his progress not just within our company but with his education.
Richard Newby
Maintenance Engineer
What is your formal qualification?
BSc (Honours) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
How long did it take you to complete?
3 years part time
How does your qualification help you carry out your duties within your role as Maintenance Engineer?
Due to having such a large understanding of electrical principles and systems now, faultfinding time is reduced massively. Due to being able to locate faults with more accuracy, more exact faults can therefore be identified, leading to reductions in replacement component costs too.
Has working at Aim to Recycle helped with the relevant experience required to complete your qualification?
Hugely. Due to Aim to recycle having such a vast array of equipment with numerous different origins, it gave me a wide scope of different countries standards and practices, especially in the electrical field. This often lead to modernisation and rewiring work to ensure all equipment was up to modern UK standards before we began operating it.
Do you feel you have received adequate support from Aim to Recycle whilst completing your qualification?
Yes. I was regularly granted one day per week leave from Aim to recycle so I could attend University. They also gave me a budget to allow me to purchase components and materials for my various assignments, projects and dissertation.
What do you enjoy about working at Aim to Recycle?
I enjoy the freedom and responsibility of working at Aim to Recycle. It’s rare to find someone so young with so much responsibility within a company in my experience, which shows the amount of trust Aim to Recycle put into me. My job here goes far beyond the usual roles of a maintenance engineer, as we do a lot of modifications and alterations to our equipment to ensure they are optimal for our applications. In many cases, this leads to equipment that has very little ties to its original manufacturer’s form, but is more efficient, both in energy and labour, than any standard offering from equipment manufacturers. This allows me to branch out into a vast array of different advanced engineering disciplines. We have done CAD design and CAM machining, CAD stress analysis on hydraulic cylinders and frame work, complete machine reprogramming and PLC replacements. Last year I designed and built condition monitoring systems to fit to our shredder/granulator lines to allow fully automated operation, reducing manpower and increasing efficiency by running the equipment at maximum capacity without the risk of damage. Going from a specification provided by my manager to an electrical drawing to a fully working and very effective system was very enjoyable for me.
What opportunities have you created for your future by completing this qualification?
My long term goal is emigration to the USA, by allowing me to gain this qualification, Aim to Recycle have given me the first foothold towards that goal. Gaining a degree not only eases the process of securing a job there, but also provides me with valuable points in my visa application.
What is your favourite thing about working as an Engineer?
Whilst in school, physics was always my favourite subject. I was fascinated by how the world worked. The only problem I found was that I struggled to be academic; I learnt and enjoyed it considerably more when I was doing it with my hands, not reading it in a book. The widely accepted brief definition of engineering is “Applying science.” A subject in which I can study the workings of the world, then go out and apply that knowledge and see it come into action is something that still amazes me. Scientists may do the majority of the theory that allows the human race to progress, but it’s always engineers that are the link between the discovery and the technically possible application.
Recycle Week

This week is Recycle Week!
The theme for the event this year is:
‘Recycling at home and away’
Do you know what happens to the bottles you recycle?
World Environment day – 2014

Today is ‘World Environment Day’!
Did you know that Aim to Recycle have now dedicated 45 trees in woods around the UK? This is all thanks to the support from our customers and The Woodland Trust!
We work closely in conjunction with the Woodland Trust on the ‘Plant a Tree Scheme’ which is proving extremely popular with all our customers.
All material recycled is material we have diverted from landfill and contributes towards a brighter environment for us all.
Did you know the Woodland Trust are offering free tree packs to schools and community groups? Follow the link for more information >
Macmillan Coffee Week! 2013

Aim to Recycle are proud to be raising money for Macmillan!
We are using to full week from the 23rd – 27th of September to make as much money as possible for this great charity!
We will have a variety of coffee’s and deserts which we will be providing in the reception from 9.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday.
Regular photos will be posted up on Facebook and Twitter, and if you want to order anything to collect you can contact Kayleigh Johnson on either:
or 0191 469 8583
All money raised will go straight to the charity and we hope you’ll take part in helping provide the funding this charity needs!
National Recycle Week – 2013
‘Plant a Tree’ Scheme

Aim to Recycle are excited to announce the new
‘Plant a Tree’ scheme
We divert thousands of tonnes of waste from landfill each year. Aim to Recycle want to engage our customers in our environmental crusade by encouraging them to take part in our ‘Plant a Tree’ scheme.
It’s very easy to take part. All you have to do is send all your recyclable material to us and we’ll do the rest!
The more waste you divert from landfill by recycling with us the greater your reward.
With each tree planted you will receive a personalised certificate, information on how you can visit the woodland where your tree is situated as well as a pack about the woodland itself.
As of 1st June 2013 we will start recording each supplier’s contribution towards the PAT scheme. Your certificate will be sent out automatically upon achieving each goal.
If you have any more questions please call us on 0191 469 8583 and we will be happy to help.
Green Office Week – Friday

Today, we will be looking at how we can keep up being more economical after this week.
Making sure that we continue with making our office more environmentally friendly.
Green Office Week – Thursday

Today, we will be looking at how we purchase goods and how we can change small things to make a large difference to our carbon footprint.
For more information, please visit our Facebook and Twitter pages.